Our sweet baby girl the day after she was born. |
For all of the books I ready and "preparing" that I did, it was nothing like I thought it would be, and yet, I wasn't really disappointed. I thought I would have her with no epidural or drugs of any kinds. I was very set on this and had read all kinds of books about coping with the contractions etc. without it. However, my body had other ideas and I found that I have absolutely no pain tolerance! Honestly, for as long as I was in labor, I'm glad I ended up deciding to get an epidural, and I have no regrets in doing so. I think it ended up being the best decision for all of us because not having that time to relax while my labor progressed would have cause problems for all of us!
I found this Batman onsie (in a set of three) along with two little pink Superman sleepers at Kmart before she was born. (I got Batman bibs to match too, but I haven't figured out when/why put a bib on a baby this size...I feel like it would just get in her way?) While it certainly wasn't expensive (I think I paid $5 for each of the two sets) it is one of my favorite outfits, I think because you rarely see superhero stuff for little girls.
We spend a lot of time cuddling during the day. (Though as I type this she is sleeping contently in her swing.) I love that I am able to stay home with her right now. As to whether or not I'll go back to work: that's still up in the air. I would love to be able to stay home with her and not go back to work, and hubby is all for it, but figuring out how this budget works is still a work in progress. We'll see how it goes, but in the meantime I'll take all of the snuggles I can get!
We've decided that she has her daddy's nose and mouth, and my eyes and face shape. Her eyes were a grey blue when she was born, but they seem to get brighter every day! As for her hair, it's still a toss-up as to what color it will be. Sometimes it looks blonde, sometimes it looks more strawberry-colored, but it is for sure getting some curl to it!
Daddy reads her bedtime stories at night. I think she was about 5 days old here (so, our second or their day home). This is her favorite way to sleep, with her head on your chest and her legs and arms all tucked in. Such a sweet little thing!
The first night we were home Daddy took her down to get ready for bed and as I came down the stairs I heard him talking. I walked in the room to find him sitting in the rocking chair reading her Beauty and the Beast. So sweet!
I had planned to cloth diaper her since well before she was born, but we had trouble finding something that fit well, and then when we finally found one that fit she was such a heavy wetter that it didn't last more than 5 minutes. But I'm still set on it and we're still working on it!
And here is some more cuteness, just because I can!