Monday, December 21, 2020

Back in the Blogging-verse

Well, I've contemplating bringing back my blog several times over the last 3+ years since my last post. Usually I sit here thinking about what to say and end up deciding to post on social media instead because I feel like I don't have enough to say to make a whole post. I love the connections I've made on social media and the fun accounts I stumble across. (Searching for crochet pattern creators and small businesses is my favorite!) BUT, it's all becoming a little too much. Too much negativity. Too much infringement on privacy (which seems silly to say when the point is sharing, but I think you all k ow where I'm getting with that). And too much time spent mindlessly scrolling when I could be doing a million other things.

I still feel like I want a creative outlet and a way to share life with other people, so I find myself back here at my blog, ready to continue sharing our adventures. I'm not completely sure what that will look like yet. Maybe a weekly update, maybe some themed posts, maybe a little of everything. Only time will tell. But in the meantime, click the "follow" button if you want updates and let me know what you want to see/hear/know.

I can't wait to catch up with everyone here and see where this part of our adventure leads us!
